Life By Eva

Cultivating Joy

Mennonite | Faith & Fitness Blog

Why you should change your perspective on Fitness

gym equipment - change your perspective on fitness

How growing up a conservative Mennonite,
affected my views on Fitness and Beauty

Focusing on fitness, and changing my perspective
Focusing on fitness, and changing my perspective, allowed me to start healing my mental health issues.

Growing up in a strict Mennonite culture, my perspective was warped and interests in fitness, fashion, and beauty was vain and off limits. In the Mennonite bubble, the common world view is dark, grey, and joyless, and mental health issues and addictions run rampant. Once my family moved to Canada and we were introduced to the public school system, I was exposed to how other people in the world lived. Even though not all of it was positive, I felt cheated out of so many beautiful things, like music for example. My mind started to open up to all of the beauty in the world. I built friendships with people who grew up different than I did. I grew an affinity for fitness, makeup, and fashion. As well as doing new things that challenged my knowledge, and caused me to grow.

Change your perspective on fitness, to include mental health

Changing how I perceive fitness, changed my life. In my teens I hit that typical rough patch of exploring the riskier things in life, and I fell into a depression, which snowballed into rapid weight gain and questioning the religion I had been raised in. Everything I had ever been taught, everything I knew no longer made sense. The ground fell out from beneath my feet, and I had no foundation to stand on. Soon after, I hit rock bottom. After a lot of searching and prayer, God gave me the tools I needed to keep my mind and body healthy. He rescued me from my anxiety and depression. Discipline is a beautiful thing and without it you will never see your potential, it is necessary for growth in every area of your life.

Fitness and Beauty interests and habits – it is not just about vanity

Fitness is much more than the images portrayed online by influencers. Spiritual disciplines walk in step with physical and mental disciplines. That is NOT vanity. Though honest self examination is a great habit to get in to, to keep your motivations in check. You should fuel your soul and heart with scripture, and your body with healthy balanced meals and physical fitness. Mental and physical health are undeniably connected. For many years I was completely blind to it, and I recognize that I abused my body for many years. You only get one body, and we are meant to take care of it, inside and out.

Caring for your self, helps you care for others

 I am a mother and a wife, which demands a great amount of energy, care, and consideration. When my cup is empty, and I’m just giving my family whatever is left at the bottom of my metaphorical cup, it makes for an incredibly difficult day. Your habits are what you model to your children. Since having my little Joshua, its something that I have become very aware of. I am focused on being a person that he can look up to. We teach our children through the behavior we model and the words we speak. How ever, if our actions don’t match up with our words, it won’t make a difference. I know this is true, not just for children, but with every relationship in your life. So if you don’t care for yourself, how can you care for others?

Why you should prioritize your health

I am the oldest in my family and I am always concerned for my younger siblings’ physical and mental health. I model healthy behaviors, so my life is a testimony to my words. It is not selfish to prioritize your fitness and explore your interests and gifts that are specific to you. We are meant to grow and learn every day. If we fill our cups with scripture, and care and growth and disciplines, then we have something to actually give to those around us. What do you expect to give when your cup is filled with garbage, with self loathing, laziness, anger and complacency? I choose to fill my cup with the disciplines that cause daily growth, and allow me to get up after I fall, and after all motivation disappears.

Hey there, I’m Eva! Welcome to my blog, where I unfold my profound journey of breaking free from a deeply entrenched Mennonite family and community. This space is dedicated to shedding light on concealed truths, facing the challenges of my upbringing, and sparking conversations about once-taboo subjects.