Life By Eva

Cultivating Joy

Mennonite | Faith & Fitness Blog

A letter to the Mennonite Culture I was raised in

children raised in mennonite culture

My open letter to My Mennonite heritage

Woman wearing a Mennonite head covering traditional mennonite culture

A letter to the Mennonite Culture and religion I was raised in, where I explore the darker side of the things I’ve seen and experienced growing up. The Mennonite culture is known for having their own communities, quiet and content, with a simple way of life. But, when you are away from prying eyes, it leaves room for the darker evils to take root and infest the entire culture, destroying the good that was once there.

To My Mennonite Culture : You lied to me

Ever since I was a little girl, you told me to wear my proper dress, my hair long and uncut, and my face bare. You promised me justification if I abstained from the world; “we must be separate, take pride in being visibly distinguishable from the rest.” Be humble, the most humble of all! How ironic. Suffering is glorified and glum looks in church are signs of a righteous and contrite heart, right? Wrong! Why then does God call us be to joyful and never anxious! You preach fear of the world and God tells us to fear nothing! You tell us to live completely apart from the world, when we are called to be a light. Tell me, why do you lie?

You didn’t protect me

When women and children are abused, you quietly sweep it under the rug; “we shouldn’t report them to the law” you say, because it would be too hard to bear the legal consequences. So then, we handle it quietly within our own systems. Women are regarded as the secondary species created only for the use and pleasure of men. The children are defenseless, and cannot speak for themselves. “Just hush,” you said, “there is no need for anyone to know!” Do you not fear the God who avenges the weak and defenseless? One day you will pay.

You stole my joy, and replaced it with fear

You told me to fear the God that made me, that he would condemn me if I strayed too far from your rules. My innocence was taken, but you didn’t care. My family was suffering and you turned away, because we were too broken. Why can’t you face the rot that you created? Can’t you see your people suffering? Yet, you offer no hope. The only thing you have to offer are the empty words and promises of the men who came before you. Your promises are worthless. You only deceive yourself and your people. The hatred and fear you plant, keep your people blind, so they do not see, that Jesus came to set us free.

You separated families with hate

I have seen mothers and fathers curse their children, because they dare to stray from your ways! How dare you call that righteous? Your children have their hopes and dreams of family crumble and turn to ash in their hands. You turn mother against son and father against daughter, for an unrighteous hatred of the freedom Jesus gives us. You hate the God of the bible because you don’t understand his love. How can you call such evil good? You are blind and foolish!

Hey there, I’m Eva! Welcome to my blog, where I unfold my profound journey of breaking free from a deeply entrenched Mennonite family and community. This space is dedicated to shedding light on concealed truths, facing the challenges of my upbringing, and sparking conversations about once-taboo subjects.